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Laravel's Advantages

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Laravel's Advantages

Let us now look at what you get when you start a project with Laravel and how these
features can help you boost your productivity:

Modularity: Laravel was built on top of over 20 different libraries and is itself split up into individual modules. Tightly integrated with Composer Dependency Manager, it can be updated with ease.

• Testability: Built from the ground up to ease testing, Laravel ships with several helpers that let you visit routes from your tests, crawl the resulting HTML, ensure that methods are called on certain classes, and even impersonate authenticated users.

• Routing: Laravel gives you a lot of flexibility when you define the routes of your application. For example, you may manually bind a simple anonymous function to a route with an HTTP verb, such as GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.This feature is inspired by micro-frameworks, such as Sinatra (Ruby) and Silex (PHP). Moreover, it is possible to attach filter functions that are
executed on particular routes.

• Configuration management: More often than not, your application will be running in different environments, which means that the database or e-mail server credentials settings or the displaying of error messages will be different when your app is running on a local development server than when
it is running on a production server. Laravel lets you define settings for each environment and then automatically selects the right settings depending on
where the app is running.

• Query builder and ORM: Laravel ships with a fluent query builder, which lets you issue database queries with a PHP syntax where you simply chain methods instead of writing SQL. In addition to this, it provides you with an Object relational mapper (ORM) and ActiveRecord implementation, called Eloquent, which is similar to what you would find in Ruby on Rails to help you define interconnected models. Both the query builder and the ORM are compatible with different databases, such as PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL,
and SQL Server.

• Schema builder, migrations, and seeding: Also inspired by Rails, these features allow you to define your database schema with PHP code and keep track of any changes with the help of database migrations. A migration is a simple way of describing a schema change and how to revert to it. Seeding allows you to populate selected tables of your database, for example, after running a migration.

• Template engine: Partly inspired by the Razor template language in ASP. NET MVC, Laravel ships with Blade, a lightweight template language with which you can create hierarchical layouts with predefined blocks where dynamic content is injected.

• E-mailing: With its Mail class, which wraps the popular SwiftMailer library, Laravel makes it very easy to send an e-mail, even with rich content and attachments, from your application.

• Authentication: Since user authentication is such a common feature in web applications, Laravel provides you with the tools to register, authenticate, and even send password reminders to users.

• Redis: It is an in-memory key-value store that has a reputation for being extremely fast. If you give Laravel a Redis instance that it can connect to, it can use it as a session and general-purpose cache and also give you the possibility to interact with it directly.

• Queues: Laravel integrates with several queue services, such as Amazon SQS and IronMQ, to allow you to delay resource-intensive tasks, such as the e-mailing of a large number of users, and run them in the background rather than keep the user waiting for the task to complete.

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